Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) | Singapore - Singapore

8 Sentosa Gateway, 聖淘沙島, 098269 新加坡, 新加坡 (显示地图)

Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) 的描述

奢華的 Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas 設有迷人的空調 Villa,附私人泳池。所有 Villa 均享有大海和周圍森林的全景,並配有 Nespresso 咖啡機、iHome 系統和舒適的席夢思床。

私人 Villa 位於聖淘沙島的西端,其寬敞的泳池露台四周環繞著熱帶植物。Villa 配有平面電視、鴨絨枕和免費礦泉水。私人衛浴配有頂噴淋浴和令人放鬆的全浸式浴缸。住宿亦提供牙刷組和免費盥洗用品。

Beach Villas 位於聖淘沙名勝世界,內設新加坡環球影城、S.E.A. 海洋館™和水上探險樂園™。住宿距離節慶大道和名勝世界會議中心 7 分鐘步行路程,距離怡豐城 5 分鐘車程。

在入住期間,住宿為所有住客提供接駁服務和 24 小時私人管家。

Resorts World Sentosa - Equarius Hotel 距離各種餐飲場所不到 5 分鐘步行路程。友好的工作人員通曉英語和中文。

Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) 的房间选择

Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) 的服務

戶外 花園
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
活動設施 水上樂園 館外 另外收費, 高爾夫球場(3 公里內)
餐飲服務 酒吧, 餐廳
網路 免費! 住宿方于全館提供WiFi(免費)。
服務項目 熨燙服務, 乾洗, 洗衣, 24 小時接待櫃檯
綜合設施 空調, 禁菸客房
室外游泳池 免費! 所有泳池均可免費使用, 全年開放, 所有年齡皆可使用
使用的語言 英語, 中文

Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) 條件

入住時間 從 15:00 時
退房時間 11:00 前
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡限制 須年滿 18 歲才能辦理入住
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
此住宿接受以下信用卡別 Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean)接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。
進入水上探險樂園(Adventure Cove Waterpark)前須檢查隨身行李。

飯店將於辦理入住時提供聖淘沙捷運免費乘車券(Sentosa Pass),可無限次數往返聖淘沙和港灣站(怡豐城)。

不可退款方案之訂金將由聖淘沙名勝世界客服中心(RWS Call Centre)收取。

入住期間住客均可享免費停車,每日限進出 1 次。











由於新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,此住宿不開放 SPA 與健身房設施。




請注意,客人在抵達前需支付全額費用。Resorts World Sentosa將寄送內含詳細付款資訊的確認函給您,並將於收到全額款項後,以電子郵件通知您住宿處的相關詳細資料(如地址、領取鑰匙地點)。

請提前告知Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean)您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。

Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas

What is the average price to stay at Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean)?

The average price is 708 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates. usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.

Resorts World Sentosa - Equarius Villas 的 100% 真實評論


旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Resorts World Sentosa - Equarius Villas,你會強調什麼
Buggy service to and from sent is a locations.
Booked 2 bedroom villa. It has 3 double beds and can have 6 people stay. We are a family of 2 adults and 3 children. Went to included breakfast and got told that only 2 adults were included. Had to pay for the kids. Oh and 13 year old have to pay as full adult.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Resorts World Sentosa - Equarius Villas,你會強調什麼
Once in a lifetime experience
Sleeping off and waking up to the view of the playful sea life in the comfort of your bed. The kids love the mini outdoor pool.
The sofa bed could have been better and maybe considering having retractable gates at both ends of the staircase.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Resorts World Sentosa - Equarius Villas,你會強調什麼
disappointed with the room state but overall a nice stay to recover from the daily grind
The aquarium lighting And the ambiance created by the nicely designed room . Although the one we were in seemed a little worn. Staff were very friendly and polite .
There was renovations or repairs going on well into our stay . Drilling and hammering could be heard . We were given a room so close to the common walkway . The tub water was brown rusty . And lots of material was seen coming out of the pipes. I guess from the renovations. Or repairs.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Resorts World Sentosa - Equarius Villas,你會強調什麼
Beautiful by the sea villa
Very spacious and luxurious fittings
The lack of USB cable charging points

Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) 附近
Singapore / Singapore


Adventure Cove Waterpark Adventure Cove Waterpark
0.2 miles
S.E.A. Aquarium S.E.A. Aquarium
0.3 miles
Maritime Experiential Museum Maritime Experiential Museum
0.3 miles
Marine Life Park Singapore Marine Life Park Singapore
0.3 miles
Resort World Sentosa Casino Resort World Sentosa Casino
0.3 miles


ION Orchard ION Orchard
3.3 miles
Orchard MRT Station Orchard MRT Station
3.3 miles
City Hall MRT Station City Hall MRT Station
3.4 miles
Marina Bay Sands Casino Marina Bay Sands Casino
3.4 miles
Esplanade Theatres on the Bay Esplanade Theatres on the Bay
3.4 miles


Changi Airport Changi Airport
13.2 miles
Hang Nadim International Airport Hang Nadim International Airport
22.9 miles
Senai International Airport Senai International Airport
28.3 miles



- Resorts World Sentosa - Beach Villas (SG Clean) -

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